Friday, December 18, 2009

Reasons to use Merucrial

4:03 AM Posted by: Mr. Chapel 0 comments

Meruciral is a distributed revision control system. Here's why you should use it -
  1. It's simple.
  2. It's written in Python.
  3. It encourages experiment! having a local repository allows you to test and get a good feeling when trying different kinds of ideas without worrying too much about the consequences. This may sounds trivial, but when working with other people, the last thing you want is to be blamed for committing not working code (or untested code, but that won't happen since we all use TDD, right? :).
  4. It has a comprehensive, free ebook to guide you through.
  5. It has the bissect feature. In wise man words "you use the bisect command on a revision that you know did not have the bug, and the revision that you know does have the bug. It then checks out a revision and asks you whether that revision contains the bug; it repeats this until it identifies the revision where the bug first arose."
  6. It works well over HTTPS.
  7. It's fast on Windows (not including TortoiseHg, which like TortoiseSVN, is injected to all of your windows processes that use GUI, which could cause some performance problems and could change the behavior of processes that you're trying to debug on your development machine). Just use the command line tool.
  8. FogCreek's Klin
  9. What about your reasons?


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